Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Little Miss Librarian

Hannah bought these glasses for Ella a few months ago for $1. I finally had to break out the lenses because I was afraid she was ruining her eyes. Now she won't take them off.

This morning I asked her why she likes to wear them all the time, her response was 
"I look just like Hannah. Only I have brown hair".
So sweet!


  1. She is so cute and funny! Wouldn't you know both the glasses and her top are black stripe. Only Ella!!

  2. So cute! But when do you have time for 5 million burlap projects, 4 kids and now 2 blogs????

  3. I love the Glasses... great idea on taking out the lens, my girls always want those and I never give in now I can... thanks great post... Lisa Marie

  4. Love the glasses. :) Cute blog too. You are too busy.

  5. Cute post...following you now! Looking forward to reading more:) Thanks for commenting on my blog post!

  6. your blog is so sweet, bealtuful...and this glasses.... wonderful.

  7. adorable glasses on a beautiful girl!!

  8. How sweet! The glasses are cute!
